Mountain Lakes is the only mainline church in the community of Seeley Lake. The mainline Protestant churches (also called mainstream American Protestant and oldline Protestant) are a group of Protestant churches in the United States that contrast in history and practice with evangelical, fundamentalist, and charismatic Protestant denominations. Mainline denominations include Presbyterian, Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopal.
Guests and regulars alike are welcome to worship in a 'come as you are' setting. Whether the spirit calls you to wear a suit or recreational attire, you are welcome.
We use a traditional approach with announcements, call to worship, welcome prayer, time of confession, prayers of the people, bible readings, sermon, offering, benediction with songs both traditional and praise throughout. We are using a hybrid approach since the pandemic, finding that as people are traveling they are still able to join us remotely. Request a zoom link.
We share in communion the first Sunday of the month. Although we traditionally take communion by partaking of a form call intinction where we are each given a piece of bread and then dip it in the common cup. At this time of concern, we are using small disposable cups of grape juice and gluten free wafers.
Our service traditionally is about an hour followed by a joyous time of fellowship over refreshmens. Our Sundays offer treats for the body and soul. Everyone welcome.
Two parking spaces near the entrance are traditionally used by the elderly and disabled. There is a short section of hard, level gravel surface before the concrete entryway. The facility meets ADA standards.
The fire-safe capacity of the sanctuary is 80 people. The fellowship hall offers capacity for 40.
The seating is on wooden pews with padded cushions.
We have a small playground adjacent to the church, mostly visible from inside the fellowship room. A courtyard is adjacent to the entry for small gatherings.
At 11:00 am on Monday mornings a group gathers to study the bible. Discussing the word, comparing visions, researching historical connotations leads us to knowledge of self and community.
During advent and lent we also engage in seasonal studies helping us to focus on the meaning of the season.
We are a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (USA), which means we are part of the Reformed tradition and believe that we are all God's children, created and loved equally, without exception and beyond measure. As the Church, we are Christ's body in the world and believe that we are always being re-formed by God's spirit to meet the needs of the world around us.
MLPC is dedicated to supporting everyone one in the community. Examples: The Christmas giving tree for families in need. Members of the local food bank. Volunteers at the elementary school. Hosting benefits for people in need due to medical or situational needs. Board members of many community groups. In general we are a caring group of people that understands a strong community is made up of families standing together.
John 4:29 29"Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?"
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